Learning Paths

To elevate your abilities toward mastery, accomplish our advanced path.
Keep in mind this path is a suggestion, and we recommend exploring what other courses you may want to watch.

    Vue 3 Deep Dive with Evan You

    Understand Vue 3 from the inside out through the perspective of the creator himself, Evan You.

    Vue 3 Reactivity

    The way Vue 3 does reactivity is entirely different from Vue 2. Learn how it works under the hood throughout this advanced course.

    Component Design Patterns

    Build your best components by understanding the best practices and pros and cons of various design patterns.

    5 Elegant ways to use Pinia

    Discover how to use Pinia like a pro by watching its creator demonstrate 5 elegant ways to use Vue’s state management library.

    Build a Trello Clone w/ Nuxt 3

    Sharpen your Nuxt 3 skills by building a Trello clone alongside a core team member.

    Fullstack w/ Nuxt Nitro

    Transform your front-end apps into powerful full-stack applications with Nuxt 3 by leveraging its server capabilities.

    Programming an AI-Powered App

    Future-proof your skills by harnessing the power of AI by building a Vue app powered by multiple popular AI APIs.

    Querying with GraphQL

    Use GraphQL to modernize how your Vue app queries, manipulates, and stores data.