April 25-26, 2024

A globally streamed Vue conference presented live


10 Years of Vue: the Past and the Future

10 Years of Vue: the Past and the Future

Vue, first publicly announced in 2014, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Explore how Vue has evolved from its humble beginnings, the challenges faced, key learnings, and future directions. Evan You takes a look back at the journey of Vue and discusses its impact on the development community.

What's Hot On Tresjs V4

What's Hot On Tresjs V4

A year has passed since TresJS was open-sourced at this conference. In this talk, Alvaro provides a full update on what's been developed for v4 of the core, including new devtools, translated docs, a cookbook, new features, and extensive bug fixing.

PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library

PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library

PrimeVue is a popular UI Component library for Vue 3, featuring over 80 components, unstyled mode with Tailwind CSS presets, pass-through properties, design-agnostic theming, icons, blocks, and templates. Çağatay provides an overview of PrimeVue's feature set and delves into best practices of UI component development, the component suite, pass-through API, design-agnostic theming, unstyled mode, Tailwind CSS presets, icons, blocks, templates, Figma to theme generation, and the roadmap for future development.

Building a Better Hammer - The Story of Nuxt 4

Building a Better Hammer - The Story of Nuxt 4

Explore what's new in Nuxt 4 and the architectural decisions made to make it 'a better hammer' for any project. Daniel aims to provide useful insights for everyone, even those not using Nuxt. The talk focuses on framework philosophy and reveals the innovations under the hood.

Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue

Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue

Data fetching is a critical part of modern web applications and a complex problem with many partial solutions. Explore the new Data Loaders API for Vue Router, how it compares to existing solutions, and how it can greatly simplify data fetching in Vue applications. Eduardo provides insights into the benefits and implementation of this new API.

More Secure Vue & Nuxt Apps - By Default

More Secure Vue & Nuxt Apps - By Default

Developers often need to work quickly, which can impact software quality aspects like performance, accessibility, and security. Configuring web applications to be protected against common threats is challenging. Nuxt Security, a module for Nuxt, helps build more secure applications without additional configuration. Explore concepts of security in modern web applications and OWASP to build more secure Vue and Nuxt applications with guidance from Jakub.

Scalable Forms in Vue

Scalable Forms in Vue

Discover the art of creating scalable forms in Vue using FormKit, ideal for teams with complex form-heavy projects. Justin delves into strategies for decomposing forms into smaller, composable components, simplifying development, and enhancing team efficiency.

No More Mocking! Write Better Tests For Your Nuxt Application With Contract Tests

No More Mocking! Write Better Tests For Your Nuxt Application With Contract Tests

Explore how to create resilient software systems using API-first techniques. Markus demonstrates using Specmatic and Playwright to ensure Nuxt applications work seamlessly with microservices. Learn to write OpenAPI specifications, spin up stub servers, and test in a controlled environment. Discover techniques for rapid iteration without fearing regressions, and understand contract testing principles and integration steps with Playwright or Cypress for your projects.

We May Not Need Component Testing

We May Not Need Component Testing

Testing is mandatory, and unit tests are the foundation for building a robust testing system for our projects. Maya examines how many unit tests are efficient for front-end projects involving components without overkill. Maya discusses whether additional libraries like Testing Library or Vue Test Utils with Vitest are necessary when Playwright alone can suffice. Explore if using an E2E framework like Playwright for component testing is overkill in this insightful talk.

6 Levels of Reusability

6 Levels of Reusability

Master the art of making your components highly reusable. Michael explores the 6 Levels of Reusability, demonstrating how to progressively enhance component reusability with powerful patterns and tools that simplify code reuse.

Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts

Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern single-page applications, VueJS stands out but presents challenges, especially with authentication. Ramona guides you through the frontiers of authentication in VueJS applications, providing an overview of the authentication flow, breaking down each step, and demystifying the role of JWT tokens. Whether you're a seasoned VueJS developer or just starting, this session offers valuable insights. Learn essential terms and concepts of authentication, with VueJS as an example, but the concepts remain agnostic.