Our Mission

To be the ultimate learning resource for Vue Developers. We do this by:

  • Creating weekly tutorials in video and article format.
  • Co-producing the Official Vue.js News.
  • Producing Exclusive content for our subscribers.
  • 25% of your monthly payment goes to the Vue Project.
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Gregg Pollack
Gregg Pollack
Adam Jahr
Adam Jahr
Lauren Ramirez
Lauren Ramirez
Pierre Schweiger
Pierre Schweiger
Melissa Koch
Melissa Koch
Ben Hong
Ben Hong
Marina Mosti
Marina Mosti
Nils Taranger
Nils Taranger
Paula Galland
Paula Galland

About The Team

The Vue Mastery team is Gregg Pollack (Teacher), Adam Jahr (Teacher), Ben Hong (Teacher), Marina Mosti (Teacher), Lauren Ramirez (Marketing), Pierre Schweiger (Development), Paula Galland (Customer support), Nils Taranger (Video Editing) and Melissa Koch (Legal & Business).

Gregg, Adam, Lauren, Paula, and Melissa are in Orlando, Ben is in Washington DC, Nils is Los Angeles and Pierre and Marina are digital nomads working around the globe.

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Why Learn Vue?

We worked closely with the Vue Core team to produce this video which walks you through the core principles of this JS Framework.

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